The most important point about investing is making the investment in the right place at the right time. An investment made in the wrong place may cause the loss of value of their investments as well as making profits in the future.Northern Cyprus investment continues to evolve day by day. People from many different countries prefer Cyprus because of its geopolitical location, being an island country and having a suitable climate for living.
If you want your investments to be valued day by day, a house bought in the right location in Cyprus will be an ideal option for you. Your investment will be appreciated in a short time due to the affordable prices of the houses and the high return on housing.
Advantages of Investment in Northern Cyprus
Northern Cyprus investment offers several advantages for If we evaluate these advantages in a short framework;
Northern Cyprus is a tourist country. For this reason, it will be easy to rent your villa or house in the summer months.
- There are various universities in Northern Cyprus. Students who come to the country for university often prefer residences for accommodation.
- Although Northern Cyprus is in a separate section from Greece, it is home to Greek, British, Turkish and citizens of many different countries. Its multinational structure enables rental transactions within the country to be in various currencies.
· The currencies frequently used for residences in Northern Cyprus are British Pounds or Euros. Turkish Lira is also one of the most frequently used currencies.
Methods of Investments in Northern Cyprus
Northern Cyprus investment Various occasions for methods welcome you. First of all, after you choose a purpose for your investment, you can find the right investment method for you. For example, if your investment purpose is to benefit from tourism, a villa you will buy will meet this expectation. Since your villa will gain value over time, selling it will also bring you profit.
If you are considering a wider investment, you can choose to buy a house from the land. You can buy your house at a low price, which you bought while the project was still in progress. When the project is completed, your house sales and rental value will be the same as other houses.
Northern Cyprus Investment Incentives
Northern Cyprus investment incentives are an application determined by the TRNC. Within the scope of this practice, foreign investors are especially supported to invest in the TRNC.
If you want to benefit from these incentives, you need to apply to the relevant places and get an incentive certificate. This document will give you an advantage in all matters. For example, landlords with an incentive certificate have the right to rent a house from 10 to 99 years.
In addition, if you want to build a house in Cyprus, this incentive certificate offers you various advantages. With this document, which covers all investment areas, it is ensured that you invest in much more favorable conditions.
Northern Cyprus Is One of the Right Countries for Investment
Northern Cyprus investment It has broad policies that pave the way for people who want to do it. For example, certain agreements provide a definite rental guarantee to homeowners. In other words, you can get uninterrupted positive results from your investment by not missing your rent for any month.
In addition, real estate prices in Cyprus are quite low compared to the rental rate received. In less than 15 years, you will be able to collect the money you spent on your investment in your own bank account.
Is Northern Cyprus Investment Reasonable?
The logical aspects of choosing Northern Cyprus for investment are that the country is getting popular day by day. Citizens of many different countries see Cyprus as a touristic accommodation area with its natural beauties, island country and climate.
In addition, the country has been seen as the 3rd safest country in the world. In other words, many people today consider Cyprus a good place to live.